CRGR | Central America | June 11th, 2018.-
With expectations such as: allowing the exchange of achievements and advances obtained to date, to know what it holds for the following years, to continue with the lessons learned as a result of this alliance in the region; identify achievements, concerns, fears, concerns and challenges to be able to improve and continue contributing to grow in Central America, among others, the XXVII Ordinary Regional Assembly of Representatives of the CRGR began.
In compliance with the current statutory norms of the Regional Agreement for Risk Management (CRGR) and attending the call of the Executive Secretariat, the XXVII Ordinary Regional Assembly was held on May 29 and 30, 2018, at the Republic of Honduras.
Mr. Wilson Galo, outgoing Executive Secretary of the CRGR, offered words of welcome to the attendees, expressing his gratitude for attending the convocation of the XXVII Regional Assembly, noting that «it is a special assembly, for the transfer of the Secretary Executive, which allows us as an excellent governance network, «said Galo.
The Regional Assembly of Representatives is the highest decision-making body of the CRGR and is constituted by the representatives of the institutional delegates and / or delegates by the National Risk Management Tables of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua.
During the first day of the meeting, some points were developed, such as the perspective of the work of the CRGR and the National Tables, according to the national context of each country based on an analysis of the conjuncture.
According to the information shared, the countries of Central America are living a similar reality in the political sphere and environmental vulnerabilities to climate change.
Among the similarities reported in the 4 countries, it was mentioned: corruption in state entities, femicides, aggression against human rights defenders, violence, among others. Regarding environmental vulnerabilities: earthquakes, hurricanes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and others.
Another of the important moments during this day was the presentation of the outgoing Executive Secretary Wilson Galo on the «experience of working in networks for an agenda of regional and global influence».
The former Executive Secretary of the CRGR on the part of Honduras shared the study «Perspective of networking in the CRGGR, a look from its genesis, to date», which narrates, among others, the historical course of the CRGR and shows the map of coverage in each country.
According to the systematization document, the CRGR is a formal, self-regulated network of cooperation and collaboration. It is a complex and open network that works based on trust, has an operation that includes an integration mechanism, such as a network of networks. It must be an exportable model to work networks in other parts of the world. Galo explained.
In addition, the Executive Secretary of the CRGR, Wilson Galo, presented the report of its management 2016-2018, which was based on: the transition of the secretariat, actions developed (Programmatic, Incidence, Strengthening of alliances, Strategic Policies), difficulties of the period and projection for the next period.
In the same context, the dynamic «Coffee Station» was held, in which the assembly members made a tour of the stands prepared by each of the national and regional CRGR tables, to learn about the work they do in their territories.
It should be noted that, as part of strengthening the governance of the CRGR, the Executive Secretariat of the CRGR was transferred to the Permanent Bureau of Risk Management of El Salvador, which after submitting the proposal for consideration, was ratified. The appointment of Magdalena Cortez, who is sworn in as Executive Secretary of the CRGR for the period 2018-2020.
The new Executive Secretariat, Magdalena Cortez offered thanks for being part of a network so diverse and rich in learning. Likewise, he is grateful for the trust placed in him by the ECO and the National Tables, and he invites us to join efforts to take on the challenges of the region.
Also, she said that the CRGR is in a stage of consolidation of efforts and the level of maturity reached allows to have clarity of the objectives set.
«The CRGR has a Strategic Plan, new policies of humanitarian action and gender, and part of our growth has to go in the logic of implementing what is reflected in the documents and what is said in our positions» mentioned the Executive Secretary in functions.
After the transfer of the Executive Secretary, the regional technical team made a report on the actions carried out within the framework of the Gates project in Phase II: Strengthening of networks for disaster management at the local, national and regional levels in four countries of Central America, having as a fundamental basis the framework for the outcome of the project and the work of the CRGR in the region.
With the political agreements reached in this XXVII Regional Assembly, it is expected to follow up the Strategic Plan and support the advocacy actions of the CRGR through the Executive Secretariat, as well as the incorporation of actions to the planning of the National Tables to finalize successfully the Phase II Project and initiate new challenges.